The HATS transportation project development process begins with the identification of specific project needs as submitted through the Transportation Need Form that is integrated into the RTP.
Municipalities and other stakeholders are encouraged to use the form so that transportation needs can be identified and prioritized through the HATS Committees.
The RTP is then implemented through the regular activities of HATS staff in coordination with various federal, state and local transportation planning agencies, other stakeholders, and the general public.
Project Pipeline interactive map application
The sequence of decisions made through the project development process progressively narrows the project focus and, ultimately, leads to a project that addresses the identified needs. There are ample opportunities for public participation throughout the process. HATS staff continually works with local elected officials and business leaders that have an interest in funding the studies, programs, and/or projects that will improve the transportation network in the region to supplement federal and state transportation funds.
Stakeholders seeking funding for a locally identified transportation need are encouraged to review the RTP and submit an electronic Transportation Need Form. Hard copy versions of the form are available through the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission. Those submitting a form are asked to identify the primary need from one of the options listed below. Needs are then evaluated and ranked as a high, medium, or low regional priority across all the aspects of regional transportation need listed below. Rankings are determined statistically using a range of points awarded for the forms that have been submitted. This enables HATS to evaluate needs submitted through the Transportation Need Forms for consistency with the priorities of the RTP and refine project elements so they address the full range of needs that may be present at a given location.
The following point structure was developed in coordination with the RTP Implementation Work Group. A maximum of 100 points is possible. A summary of the point structure is available here.
Points awarded for corridors and locations identified by the PennDOT Highway Safety Manual methodology, locations of fatal/suspected serious injury crashes, and locations of bicycle or pedestrian crashes. See the System Demand – Safety section of the RTP.
Maximum points are awarded to needs identified within the high priority congested corridors or intersections as identified in the Congestion Management Plan and RTP, with lesser points awarded to the secondary tier of congested corridors. Additional points are also awarded in corridors with higher average daily traffic. See the System Demand – Congestion Management section of the RTP.
Asset Management
Maximum points are awarded to roadway segments with a “Poor” International Roughness Coefficient, with progressively lower points awarded in segments with “Fair,” “Good,” or “Excellent” ratings. See the System Demand – Asset Management section of the RTP.
Maximum points are awarded to bridges identified as “Poor” condition, with progressively lower points awarded to bridges identified as “Fair” or Good condition. See the System Demand – Asset Management section of the RTP.
Accessibility/Transportation for the Disabled & Elderly
Points are awarded in areas with the high percentages of elderly and/or disabled residents, locations within ¼ mile of key community facilities (fire stations, police, medical facilities, etc.), major employers, commercial facilities, and transit stops, and corridors with poor sidewalk connectivity. See the System Demand – Mobility & Accessibility section of the RTP.
Freight Movement
Maximum points are awarded to needs identified along the National Highway Freight Network and high priority freight corridor candidates. Points are also awarded to medium and low priority freight corridor candidates, as well as needs within a half mile of an intermodal facility or major freight generator. See the Travel Modes – Moving Goods via Roadways section of the RTP.
Transit Access & Facilities
Points are awarded to needs identified along or ¼ mile of a CAT bus stop. See the Travel Modes – Moving People via Roadways section of the RTP.
Bicycle and/or Pedestrian Movement
Maximum points are awarded to needs identified along or within ¼ mile of the “Regional Backbone” and/or in areas depicted as having high bicycle/pedestrian demand. Maximum points are also awarded to needs along major Plain Sect travel routes. Lesser points are also awarded to areas identified as having medium or low bicycle/pedestrian demand. See the Travel Modes – Non-Motorized section of the RTP.
Land Use & Growth Management
Maximum points are awarded to needs identified within the Community Service Areas as identified in the Regional Growth Management Plan and RTP. Lesser points are awarded to needs within 1 mile of a CSA and within the Urban or Suburban Core of Planned Growth Areas. See the Linkage to Land Use section of the RTP.
Points awarded to locations and corridors identified as High Risk in PennDOT Extreme Weather Vulnerability Study. See Environmental Resources section of the RTP.
Environmental Justice
Points awarded based on concentration of populations of low-income or racial minorities determined by census block-group. See Environmental Justice section of the RTP.
Final implementation of the RTP projects occurs through the four-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), updated on a biennial cycle and modified on an as needed basis, as agreed upon through formal HATS action. By processing the project needs submitted by PennDOT or other project sponsors through the project development process identified here, all proposals eligible to receive federal transportation funds are given an equal opportunity to be included on the HATS TIP for implementation. Thus, the TIP serves as a local capital investment plan for the use of federal transportation funds.
To see the full, fiscally constrained list of projects and needs identified through the RTP, click here.