2040 UPDATE:
2040 更新
5 月,TCRPC 就 RGMP 举行了六次外展会议,目前正在更新以反映未来的土地使用影响。会议的目的是解释 RGMP 的情景并接受公众对其绩效衡量的意见。会议在卡莱尔、卡罗尔镇、汉普登镇、米夫林镇、纽波特和斯瓦塔拉镇的三县地区举行。
TCRPC 的区域增长管理计划 (RGMP) 是我们在县和市层面提供规划、技术和财政援助的首要任务。
作为县综合规划、区域交通规划和其他规划更新的基础,RGMP 通过优先考虑智能土地使用、交通、环境和经济发展决策的计划来促进社区发展和振兴。
RGMP 对该地区生活质量的一些好处包括降低税收、降低能源成本、更多交通选择、改善现有基础设施、更多公园和开放空间、改善当地食物的获取以及所有人的健康状况。
正如 TCRPC 所设想的,区域规划不是地方、县、州和联邦规划的替代品,而是对其的补充。因此,随着该地区发生经济、社会和物理变化,必须定期审查、重新评估和修订 RGMP。
RGMP 将作为协调三县区域内市、县和区域规划机构之间综合规划的指南。
RGMP 旨在鼓励在土地使用、交通、经济和文化发展的持续规划方面进行跨辖区合作,并将多芬县和佩里县的物理增长政策修订到 2040 年。
The RGMP will serve as a guide for coordinating comprehensive planning among the municipalities, counties and regional planning agency within the Tri-County area.
This plan is a working document that will serve as the foundation for future county comprehensive plans, regional transportation plans and other plan updates.
Implementation of this plan will be through the municipal planning process and coordination among different agencies. This plan will be a reference for the Region in developing future development goals and strategies.
The RGMP is designed to encourage inter-jurisdictional cooperation of ongoing planning for land use, transportation, economic and cultural development and to revise physical growth policies to the year 2040 for Dauphin and Perry Counties.
在 TCRPC 的规划计划中,为持续的公众参与和公众参与重振正式和非正式机制。
Preparing and maintaining a coordinated and uniform data collection and analysis that provide on a continuous basis; summary data on population, land use, natural resources, public services and utilities of the region;
Promoting cooperation among regional, county and local planning activities;
Promoting a better understanding of the interrelationships between land use and transportation, public utilities, services and of factors influencing physical growth and development within the region;
Increase awareness of the effects individual local community plans have on the development of surrounding communities;
Reinvigorating formal and informal mechanisms for continuous public participation and public involvement within TCRPC's planning program.