A safe, efficient, environmentally responsible and seamless multi-modal transportation system integrated with sustainable land use patterns to serve the mobility and accessibility needs of our residents, businesses and through-travelers.
1. Provide an efficient, seamless and reliable transportation system:
Provide funding priority to preservation and maintenance activities;
Address safety and security concerns in all transportation projects and programs.
2. Improve the performance and operation of our transportation system for all modes and all users:
Promote efficient management and operation efforts to lessen traffic congestion;
Manage access to the transportation system to enhance mobility;
Accommodate increasing truck volumes and minimize conflict with passenger vehicles;
Expand opportunities for intermodal connections;
Identify and address conflicts between various modes, focusing on the needs of youth, elderly, low-income persons and individuals with disabilities.

Bicyclists and pedestrians on the Walnut St. Bridge, Harrisburg
3. Expand transportation choices:
Channel transportation funds toward alternate modes;
Increase transit ridership, carpooling, bike- and car-sharing;
Expand Commuter Express routes and transit access in rural areas;
Facilitate increased travel by bicycle and pedestrian modes;
Encourage innovative transit solutions including microtransit, BRT, autonomous vehicles and ITS upgrades.
4. Improve quality of life, promote human health and provide a safe experience for all users:
Encourage context sensitive design (aesthetics, urban design, etc.) in transportation corridors;
Promote a full range of transportation choices concurrent with development;
Identify and pursue innovative opportunities to enhance bicycle and pedestrian accommodations.
5. Reduce environmental impacts:
Promote a more direct link between the transportation planning process, project development and environmental enhancement while addressing environmental justice;
Implement programs to increase the use of alternate modes and reduce SOVs.
6. Encourage livable communities and efficient land use:
Focus transportation infrastructure capacity in areas planned for growth, including transit-friendly development;
Promote land use patterns that encourage or support walking, biking and access to transit.

Construction on Routes 11/15 in Penn Twp., Perry County
7. Efficiently utilize existing transportation funds and pursue other funding opportunities for transportation system improvements:
Bring additional, non-traditional transportation funds to the HATS region;
Distribute information regarding innovative funding sources and strategies.
8. Implement and evaluate appropriate planning and programming to meet the approved HATS safety goal adopted at the January 2020 HATS Meeting:
HATS’ safety goal is to eliminate crashes, particularly those resulting in fatalities and serious injuries, throughout the region and educate the traveling public on the threats posed by unsafe driving practices such as driving under the influence, distracted, and aggressive driving.
Toward this end, HATS adopts the annual Safety Performance Measures adopted by PennDOT and will also work toward the overall goal by engaging in an ongoing safety planning effort and development of a safety education program for the region.
The safety planning efforts will enable HATS to evaluate the results of its efforts and identify any additional actions necessary to accomplish the long-term goal.