על אודות --
המשימה של ועדת התכנון של מחוז דאופין היא להדריך, לתאם ולקדם שימוש מושכל ומסודר בקרקע ובמשאבים על מנת להקל על צמיחת הכלכלה המקומית, להגביר את איכות החיים ולשמור על הסביבה הטבעית על ידי מענה לצרכים של האוכלוסייה הנוכחית של המחוז מבלי להתפשר על הצרכים של הדורות הבאים.
ועדת התכנון של מחוז דאופין פועלת כדי למלא את ההתחייבויות לפי קוד התכנון של עיריות פנסילבניה (MPC).
Preserve and/or protect our agricultural, historic and cultural resources along with other important environmental features.
Working with the Manada Conservancy, Central Pennsylvania Conservancy, Hershey Trust, DCCD, DCNR, DEP, and other key organizations, seek to coordinate land conservation efforts focused on the areas with the most important agricultural resources and/or greatest environmental sensitivity and potential for development;
Promote the utilization of a variety of land use control and land acquisition techniques, such as direct land acquisition, easements, environmental protection zoning, , dedication, buffers, low impact development, overlay zones and transfer of development rights to protect and preserve historic/cultural and other environmentally sensitive lands;
Support municipal comprehensive planning effort that are consistent with this plan, the RGMP, and that seek to protect important historic/cultural and other environmental resources;
Work with water suppliers to define Source Water protection areas for all public water supplies and preserve/protect these areas through a variety of land preservation and/or other protection mechanisms as appropriate;
Working with the PHMC, historic resource stakeholders and municipalities, work toward a more complete inventory of Dauphin County’s historic resources so that effective management plans can be developed;
As the items listed herein are put into action, the Implementation Partners should seek to continue their efforts toward the accomplishment of the plan’s goals through the identification and implementation of additional efforts deemed appropriate by the their committee and the County Commissioners. Any such actions should be publicly identified in the “Tracking Our Progress” section of the Comprehensive Plan Website.
Areas of Prime Farmland
Click for interactive map
Forested Land & Karst Features
Click for interactive map