To submit a subdivision or land development plan for County Planning Commission review or approval, please download and fill out the application at right:
Plans will not be accepted without the required fees and a completed application, including signatures from the respective municipality.
For fee information associated with the review or approval, see the municipality in the menu below and click the fee link.
If you have questions regarding the fees, call us at 717-234-2639 before submitting a plan for review.
Berrysburg Borough
Elizabethville Borough
Jefferson Township
Millersburg Borough
Rush Township
Williams Township
Williamstown Borough
Conewago Township
Dauphin Borough
Derry Township
East Hanover Township
Gratz Borough
Halifax Borough
Halifax Township
City of Harrisburg
Highspire Borough
Hummelstown Borough
Jackson Township
Londonderry Township
Lower Paxton Township
Lower Swatara Township
Lykens Borough
Lykens Township
Middle Paxton Township
Middletown Borough
Mifflin Township
Paxtang Borough
Penbrook Borough
Pillow Borough
Reed Township
Royalton Borough
South Hanover Township
Steelton Borough
Susquehanna Township
Swatara Township
Upper Paxton Township
Washington Township
Wayne Township
West Hanover Township
Wiconsico Township