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Dauphin County Comp Plan Logo

ПРО ––



Місія Комісії з планування округу Дофін полягає в тому, щоб направляти, координувати та сприяти розумному та впорядкованому використанню землі та ресурсів, щоб сприяти зростанню місцевої економіки, покращити якість життя та зберегти природне середовище, задовольняючи потреби нинішнє населення округу без шкоди для потреб майбутніх поколінь.


Комісія з планування округу Дофін функціонує для виконання зобов'язань згідно з Кодексом планування муніципалітетів Пенсільванії (MPC).


  • Encourage coordination between the provision of public utilities with the RGMP and municipal plans;

  • Identify and address limitations in public infrastructure relating to economic development that are consistent with the RGMP and municipal plans;


  • Identify areas within existing infrastructure service areas with excess capacity and provide the tools necessary to enable infill and redevelopment;

  • Facilitate the development of municipal comprehensive and/or Act 537 plans where development is occurring that is not consistent with the RGMP;

  • Work with water suppliers to define Source Water protection areas for all public water supplies and preserve/protect these areas through a variety of land preservation and/or other protection mechanisms as appropriate;

  • Coordinate with the applicable utility providers in the reduction of impacts associated with combined sewer overflows;

  • Seek to identify opportunities where the DC Infrastructure Bank can be used to enhance public utilities;

  • As the items listed herein are put into action, the Implementation Partners should seek to continue their efforts  toward the accomplishment of the plan’s goals through the identification and implementation of additional efforts deemed appropriate by the their committee and the County Commissioners. Any such actions should be publicly identified in the “Tracking Our Progress” section of the Comprehensive Plan Website.

Derry Twp Sewage Auth

Derry Township Municipal Authority

Planned Growth And Community Service Areas

Community Service Areas

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