In an effort to be more proactive when environmental resources may be impacted, HATS established an environmental advisory committee to serve as a permanent advisory group for the MPO. The committee has the following agency representation:
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay;
Capital Region Water;
Dauphin County Conservation District;
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources;
Department of Environmental Protection (Office of Field Operations & Stormwater);
Federal Highway Administration;
Manada Conservancy;
PA Fish & Boat Commission;
PA Game Commission;
PA Historic & Museum Commission;
PennDOT (District 8-0 Environmental, Central Office Environmental Policy & Development Section, Bureau of Maintenance & Operation);
Pennsylvania State University Cooperative Extension Service;
Susquehanna River Basin Commission;
Trout Unlimited;
US Army Corps of Engineers.
The advisory group is provided with mapping and a potential impact summary for projects included in the TIP/TYP and RTP, along with a listing of potential impact mitigation opportunities that not only address the resources that may be impacted, but also address key local/regional priorities and may contribute toward MS4 permit requirements for local municipalities or others. The mapping of key resources is included in this section along with the listing of potential resource impacts as identified by buffering projects on the 2021 TIP/TYP and 2045 RTP Project Pipeline by 100 feet. Project-specific impact minimization is expected to significantly reduce the number of actual resource impacts.
Aquatic Resources interactive map application
Terrestrial Resources interactive map application
Cultural Resources interactive map application
Waste Sites interactive map application

As part of PennDOT’s 2017 Extreme Weather Vulnerability Study, a risk score is assigned to state-owned roadways and bridges at risk from floodwaters. This score combines variables of precipitation, floodplain location, reported past closures, bridge scour, deficient pipes, road classification, and traffic volumes. The highest possible score is 100 being the most vulnerable. Road Condition Reporting System (RCRS) events from 2006-2015 and stakeholder comments were combined to identify the vulnerable areas.
See the PennDOT Extreme Weather Vulnerability Study for more information, data, and statewide maps.