페리 카운티 계획 위원회
Notice is given that a public meeting to review the draft 2025 Perry County Hazard Mitigation Plan will be conducted on February 18th, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. at the Perry County Courthouse located at 2 E Main Street, New Bloomfield, PA 17068. Public participation in the hazard mitigation plan update process is very important. This meeting will review the sections of the draft 2025 Perry County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update and identify a procedure for the public to provide comments on the draft plan. The public comment period will be conducted from February 19th, 2025, through March 21st, 2025. All comments should be submitted in writing to Rich Fultz, Perry County Emergency Management Agency Director at rfultz@perryco.org, by Survey Monkey link, or by this QR code:

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Perry 카운티 라이프스타일을 생성하는 자연 및 문화적 특징과 시골 특성을 보존하면서 지역 및 지역 계획 노력을 인식 및 지원하고 조화로운 질서 있는 방식으로 성장을 관리하도록 구성된 전문 계획 프로그램으로 Perry 카운티와 그 커뮤니티에 봉사합니다.
To serve Perry County and its communities with a professional planning program structured to recognize and support regional and local planning efforts and to manage growth in a coordinated orderly fashion while preserving the natural and cultural features and rural character which create the Perry County lifestyle.
Chairman: James H. Turner
Vice Chairman: Thomas A. Graupensperger
Secretary: Danny Kirk
Treasurer: David F. Rice
Donny Bartch
Michael Hartley
Ryan Hostetter
Commissioner Liaison Brenda Watson