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Dauphin County Comp Plan Logo

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Impaired Streams By Impairment Source


  • Through education and model ordinance development, promote the utilization of a variety of techniques, such as official maps, coordination of land acquisition and/or easement programs, environmental protection zoning, setback/buffer requirements, low impact development and transfer of development rights to protect and preserve environmentally sensitive lands;

  • By seeking to identify areas where nutrient pollution is having the greatest impact on overall water quality, support the Dauphin County Conservation District (DCCD) in its effort to have an implemented conservation plan for all agricultural operations and a nutrient management plan for application of all animal and chemical nutrients;

  • In partnership with DCCD, municipalities, environmental organizations, Dauphin County Parks and Recreation, the Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC), PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), and the PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), develop a countywide strategy for addressing surface and ground water quality and quantity issues;

Impaired Streams
Click for interactive map

DeHart Dam

DeHart Dam courtesy Capital Region Water

  • Working through partnerships with the Conservation District, DCNR, DEP, and environmental organizations throughout Dauphin County, seek opportunities to educate municipal officials and the general public on environmental issues and opportunities for improvement;

  • Working with the Manada Conservancy, Central Pennsylvania Conservancy, Hershey Trust, DCCD, and other key organizations, seek to coordinate land conservation efforts focused on the areas of greatest environmental sensitivity and potential for development.;

  • Develop a region-wide GIS database of green infrastructure opportunities and coordinate with municipalities, utility providers, PennDOT, developers, and redevelopment authorities to implement green infrastructure where it has the greatest infiltration and water quality improvement potential;

  • Work through DCCD to simplify and improve the model stormwater management ordinance in an effort to enhance enforcement and effectiveness of stormwater management practices;

  • Coordinate between EPA, DEP, municipalities, and other MS4 permit holders in efficiently addressing permit requirements;

  • As the items listed herein are put into action, the Implementation Partners should seek to continue their efforts  toward the accomplishment of the plan’s goals through the identification and implementation of additional efforts deemed appropriate by the their committee and the County Commissioners.  Any such actions should be publicly identified in the “Tracking Our Progress” section of the Comprehensive Plan Website.


TCRPC's mission is to foster the long-term livability and vitality of our communities, counties and region. We believe we're stronger when we work together.


Get the latest on TCRPC's land use and transportation programs, education and training opportunities, outreach efforts, annual events and more.

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TCRPC provides staff support to the Dauphin & Perry County Planning Commissions, promoting smart growth for our communities while preserving the natural environment.


TCRPC is the lead staff agency for HATS, the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization for Cumberland, Dauphin & Perry Counties.

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(717) 234-2639

320 Market St., #301E
Harrisburg PA 17101

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