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Feidhmíonn TCRPC mar phríomhghníomhaireacht foirne do Staidéar Iompair Cheantar Harrisburg.

Cruthaíodh HATS mar thoradh ar an Acht Feidearálach-Chabhrach Highway 1962, a shainordaigh pleanáil réigiúnach mar choinníoll cistí cónaidhme a fháil le haghaidh tionscadal iompair. Go dtí an lá atá inniu ann, ní mór tacú leis an bpleanáil trí phróiseas leanúnach, cuimsitheach, comhordaithe (3C).

Is Eagraíocht Pleanála Cathrach ainmnithe (MPO) í HATS, eagraíocht de ghníomhaireachtaí feidearálacha, stáit agus áitiúla, chomh maith le hoifigigh ó Chontaetha Cumberland, Dauphin agus Perry, Cathair Harrisburg agus Transit Limistéar Caipitil, agus iad go léir freagrach as an 3C. próiseas.



In this role, HATS develops a Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), which documents the current status of transportation projects and programs, identifies long-term needs and recommends projects to meet those needs. The long-range RTP sets a framework and priorities for the expenditure of federal transportation funds over a 25-year period.

​HATS serves 103 municipalities in all, covering almost 1,700 square miles in South-Central Pennsylvania, including Cumberland, Dauphin and Perry counties.


HATS is comprised of two committees: the Coordinating Committee and the Technical Committee (see below).


The Technical Committee oversees analyses and preparation of plans and studies, reviews transportation items brought before HATS to consider, and makes recommendations to the Coordinating Committee.


The Coordinating Committee is the policy body, which formally takes action based on Technical Committee input, and adopts transportation plans and improvement programs.


A Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and a Secretary lead the Technical and Coordinating Committees, each designated by election from the voting membership to one-year terms. Voting representation on the HATS Committees is as follows:

HATS Committee Voting Representation

*Shínigh Coiste Comhordaithe HATS Meabhrán Tuisceana le MPO Cheantar Eabhrac (YAMPO) agus le Coiste Comhordaithe Iompair Chontae Lancaster (LCTCC) an 26 Aibreán, 2013, a shuigh go bhfuil na gníomhaíochtaí pleanála agus ríomhchláraithe do Cheantar Uirbeach Harrisburg laistigh de na contaetha sin. Tá YAMPO agus LCTCC faoi seach freagrach anois. Shínigh HATS comhaontú comhchosúil le Liobáin Chontae MPO (LEBCO) an 24 Aibreán, 2009. Faomhadh stádas ex-officio ar Choiste Teicniúil HATS do YAMPO agus LEBCO araon an 25 Meitheamh, 2010.

Áirítear ar Choiste Teicniúil HATS baill ex-officio/neamhvótála do sholáthraithe iompair móra sa réigiún: Amtrak, Norfolk Southern Railroad, Údarás Aerfort Réigiúnach Cheantar Susquehanna (SARAA), Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association (PMTA), agus Coimisiún Turnpike Pennsylvania (PTC). Formheasadh MPO Cheantar Eabhrac (YAMPO) agus MPO Chontae na Liobáine (LEBCO) mar chomhaltaí ex-officio den Choiste Teicniúil an 25 Meitheamh 2010.

Is baill ex-officio iad an Riarachán Highway Cónaidhme (FHWA), an Riarachán Idirthurais Chónaidhme (FTA), an Riarachán Eitlíochta Feidearálach (FAA), an Roinn Pennsylvania um Chaomhnú Comhshaoil (PA DEP), agus an Roinn Forbartha Pobail agus Eacnamaíochta Pennsylvania (PA DCED). an Coiste Teicniúil agus an Coiste Comhordaithe araon freisin. Ligeann sé seo do HATS an saineolas a bhain na soláthraithe agus na gníomhaireachtaí seo a ionchorprú ina gcinntí ilmhódacha.

HATS Membership 2024
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