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Dauphin County Comp Plan Logo

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Dauphin काउंटी योजना आयोग का मिशन स्थानीय अर्थव्यवस्था के विकास को सुविधाजनक बनाने, जीवन की गुणवत्ता को बढ़ाने और की जरूरतों को पूरा करके प्राकृतिक पर्यावरण को संरक्षित करने के लिए भूमि और संसाधनों के बुद्धिमान और व्यवस्थित उपयोग का मार्गदर्शन, समन्वय और बढ़ावा देना है। भविष्य की पीढ़ियों की जरूरतों से समझौता किए बिना काउंटी की वर्तमान आबादी।


Dauphin काउंटी योजना आयोग पेंसिल्वेनिया नगर पालिका योजना संहिता (MPC) के तहत दायित्वों को पूरा करने के लिए कार्य करता है।


  • Focus future economic growth across Dauphin County near existing development areas, including downtowns and office/commercial/industrial centers;

  • The downtowns of smaller boroughs and townships should be maintained and promoted as local economic centers and/or reinvented to meet current business opportunities;

  • Maintain Harrisburg as the region’s cultural center to boost economic development;

  • Strengthen and enhance the relationships between businesses and local municipalities;

  • Prioritize general economic development efforts for: 1) retaining businesses; 2) expanding businesses; 3) starting new businesses; 4) redeveloping sites; and 5) attracting businesses.


  • Develop a countywide economic development plan, including a definition and an updated inventory of facilities of regional impact and significance (i.e. large shopping centers, major industrial parks, office parks, warehousing, large residential developments, regional entertainment/recreational complexes, hospitals, brownfields and airports) and a coordinated approach for future development, in cooperation with HRC/CREDC, DC Economic Development, the Hershey Harrisburg Visitors Bureau (HHVB) and educational institutions as part of a regional strategy for growth and development. The plan should seek to grow the target industry clusters, leverage intellectual capital, grow business incubation and build the workforce of the future;

Brownfields map

Brownfield Redevelopment Areas
Click for Interactive Map

  • Evaluate existing zoning and subdivision regulations for their effect on incentivizing or discouraging home-based businesses, infill, adaptive reuse, brownfields, and redevelopment;

  • Promote the use of zoning and related tools to encourage developers of new buildings and infill projects to reflect the local character, scale, proportion, spacing, setbacks and materials;

  • Promote the use of Enterprise Corridors,  Keystone Opportunity Zones, and other similar programs where appropriate;

  • Focus education/training efforts on the underemployed in cooperation with the Library System, school districts, and institutions of higher education;

  • As the items listed herein are put into action, the Implementation Partners should seek to continue their efforts  toward the accomplishment of the plan’s goals through the identification and implementation of additional efforts deemed appropriate by the their committee and the County Commissioners. Any such actions should be publicly identified in the “Tracking Our Progress” section of the Comprehensive Plan Website.


TCRPC's mission is to foster the long-term livability and vitality of our communities, counties and region. We believe we're stronger when we work together.


Get the latest on TCRPC's land use and transportation programs, education and training opportunities, outreach efforts, annual events and more.

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TCRPC provides staff support to the Dauphin & Perry County Planning Commissions, promoting smart growth for our communities while preserving the natural environment.


TCRPC is the lead staff agency for HATS, the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization for Cumberland, Dauphin & Perry Counties.

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(717) 234-2639

320 Market St., #301E
Harrisburg PA 17101

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