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Dauphin County Comp Plan Logo

के विषय में --

A community survey was developed and distributed in April 2016 in an effort to engage the general public in the comprehensive plan.

The survey was primarily made available online (Survey Monkey), but printed copies were also distributed to the libraries throughout the County and municipalities were asked to spread the word through their newsletters, bulletin boards, and/or websites. The TCRPC website and social media (Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn) were also used to make residents aware of the survey and the various means to respond.  

A total of 613 responses were received that were well distributed from across the County. Over 200 respondents provided their email addresses to receive continuing information on the status of the planning effort.

The survey results (summary available here) helped refine the approach for the planning effort and identify the three primary areas of focus:  enhancing our communities, protecting and enhancing the environment, and economic development. Specifically, some of the actions that residents would like to emphasize included:​

Survey Distribution Map

Community Survey Distribution
Click for larger map (PDF)

  • Planning for future growth

  • Providing parks & recreation areas

  • Coordinating municipal units of government

  • Working with municipalities to tighten codes & regulations

  • Building cooperative relationships between developers & municipalities

  • Buying existing buildings for public housing

  • Helping existing businesses to expand

  • Retaining existing businesses

  • Concentrating commercial/industrial growth in existing centers

  • Making all forms of transportation safe & efficient

  • Providing public transportation between housing, shopping, & work

  • Maintaining Harrisburg as the region’s cultural center

  • Focusing on water resources and land/habitat preservation

  • Providing safe & efficient public utilities

  • Providing high quality & affordable emergency management services

Survey Page Image

Survey Sample Page
Click for larger image (PDF)


TCRPC's mission is to foster the long-term livability and vitality of our communities, counties and region. We believe we're stronger when we work together.


Get the latest on TCRPC's land use and transportation programs, education and training opportunities, outreach efforts, annual events and more.

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TCRPC provides staff support to the Dauphin & Perry County Planning Commissions, promoting smart growth for our communities while preserving the natural environment.


TCRPC is the lead staff agency for HATS, the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization for Cumberland, Dauphin & Perry Counties.

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(717) 234-2639

320 Market St., #301E
Harrisburg PA 17101

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