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La missione della Commissione di pianificazione della contea di Dauphin è guidare, coordinare e promuovere l'uso saggio e ordinato della terra e delle risorse al fine di facilitare la crescita dell'economia locale, migliorare la qualità della vita e preservare l'ambiente naturale soddisfacendo le esigenze di popolazione attuale della Contea senza compromettere i bisogni delle generazioni future.
La Dauphin County Planning Commission funziona per adempiere agli obblighi previsti dal Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC).
Comprehensive Plan Ages in Dauphin County
Click for map (PDF)
Dauphin County Stormwater Management Plan – Dauphin County Conservation District
Dauphin County Strategic Development Plan – Dauphin County Redevelopment Authority
A Five-County Regional Community Health Needs Assessment – Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Pinnacle Health, PA Psychiatric Institute
Fort Indiantown Gap Joint Land Use Study – Ft. Indiantown Gap, Lebanon County Planning Department, Dauphin County
Green Infrastructure Plan – Capital Region Water
Life in the Capital Region – United Way of the Capital Region, Harrisburg Regional Chamber, West Shore Chamber, Dauphin County, Cumberland County, Perry County, The Foundation for Enhancing Communities
Long-Range Regional Transportation Plan – HATS MPO
Paxton Creek Watershed TMDL Strategy – Capital Region Water, Susquehanna Township, Lower Paxton Township
Regional Growth Management Plan – TCRPC
Source Water Protection Plan – Capital Region Water, Susquehanna River Basin Commission
Statewide Historic Preservation Plan – PA Historical and Museum Commission
While the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC) only requires that counties develop comprehensive plans, the Dauphin County Commissioners recognize the importance of these plans at the municipal level, given that the County’s 40 municipalities are the governmental entities with the primary authority for growth management and the provision of many public services.
According to the MPC, municipal plans, where present, are to be “generally consistent” with county plans. As such, the staff of the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission will encourage and support the preparation of municipal plans so that all municipalities in Dauphin County have viable plans for their future.
The “Municipal and Stakeholder Resource Guide” prepared as part of this comprehensive plan is specifically designed to provide much of the background data and mapping necessary for municipalities to prepare comprehensive plans in a more cost-effective manner. The figure in the margin depicts the age of municipal comprehensive plans as of 2016.