Il programma di attuazione RTP è stato creato dal comitato di coordinamento dell'Harrisburg Area Transportation Study (HATS) nel 2020.
Attraverso sovvenzioni, il programma finanzierà studi e miglioramenti sui trasporti che soddisfano gli obiettivi del Piano di trasporto regionale HATS e del Piano di gestione della crescita regionale TCRPC "fornendo sistemi di trasporto più sicuri, più percorribili, percorribili in bicicletta e adatti al trasporto".
Il programma di attuazione RTP è stato creato dal comitato di coordinamento dell'Harrisburg Area Transportation Study (HATS) nel 2020.

Through grants, the program will fund transportation studies and improvements that meet HATS Regional Transportation Plan and TCRPC Regional Growth Management Plan goals while “providing for safer, more walkable, bikeable and transit-friendly transportation systems.”
Eligible projects include:
Feasibility plans/studies that integrate land use and transportation system improvements;
Non-motorized transportation facilities that provide a transportation benefit;
Investments that make transit service more viable and convenient and/or provide safer connections to access transit;
Streetscape projects that incorporate traffic calming;
Roadway improvements that provide a more interconnected, multimodal transportation;
Redevelopment of existing streets into neighborhood streets (i.e. road diets, etc.);
Improvements to non-motorized travel safety;
Low-cost investments to improve safety and/or reduce congestion;
Roundabouts or other intersection improvements that provide multi-modal benefits;
Investments designed to improve safety at “high priority” locations;
Transit system improvements or enhancements.
For a fillable PDF application form, click here.
For grant program guidelines, click here.
For more information or to schedule a mandatory pre-application meeting, email us or call 717-234-2639.