Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno partecipato al programma regionale per il conteggio delle biciclette e dei pedoni dell'autunno 2021 HATS!
I conteggi, condotti esclusivamente da volontari, forniscono dati vitali ai pianificatori, ai responsabili delle decisioni e a chiunque altro della nostra regione sia interessato a rendere le passeggiate a piedi e in bicicletta più sicure e convenienti nella regione HATS. Sono condotti nell'ambito del progetto National Bicycle & Pedestrian Documentation .
Le posizioni di conteggio sono determinate come uno sforzo cooperativo tra il personale di pianificazione HATS, la HATS Bike/Ped Task Force e altri stakeholder locali.
The event attendance for the HATS Regional Active Transportation Plan has concluded. As indicated below, we were able to attend multiple events this summer and fall, talking to visitors and residents from Cumberland, Dauphin and Perry Counties. The project team would like to thank all those that came out and offered input or suggestions for the Plan.
As we move into the development of the Plan recommendations, the Public Survey and Wikimapping Tool will both remain open and available, ensuring we provide the maximum opportunity for our region's visitors and residents to participate and offer input.
The HATS Regional Active Transportation Plan Public Survey is available by clicking here.
The HATS Regional Active Transportation Plan Wikimapping Tool is available by clicking here.
Municipal Outreach Meeting - January 23, 2024 (register here)
Regional Partners Meeting* - January 31, 2024 (register here)
*being held in tandem with Steering Committee meeting
In early 2024, members of the project team will hold the following Open House Public Meetings to present draft recommendations. Each Open House will consist of two sessions featuring formal presentation and informal discussion/open house opportunities.
The sessions for each Open House will run from 4 PM - 6 PM and from 7 PM - 9PM.
Cumberland County Open House - January 9, 2024
Carlisle Borough Building
53 W South Street, Carlisle, PA
Dauphin County Open House - January 10, 2024
Susquehanna Township Building
1900 Linglestown Road, Harrisburg, PA
Perry County Open House - January 11, 2024
Bloomfield Borough Buidling
25 E McClure Street, New Bloomfield, PA
A copy of the County Open House presentation is available here.
Hummelstown Criterium & Street Fair - July 15 (event website)
Camp Hill StormFest - July 26 (event website)
(event website) Perry County Fair - August 17-19
Fort Hunter Day - September 17 (event website)
Gratz Fair - September 22-23 (event website)
New Cumberland Apple Fest - September 30 (event website)
Pine Grove Furnace Fall Furnace Fest - October 21-22 (event website)
Questions or comments? Email Andrew Bomberger or call him at (717) 234-2639.
Click the image to download the board!